Large seeds, such as those from oak trees, contain a wealth of resources essential for starting their growth. However, this abundance also makes them appealing targets for animals looking for a ...
This map of red oak seed sources provides an example of a major threat to an important effort against climate change: major government and private funding is being invested in planting trees as a ...
MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced it has 2-year-old oak seedlings available for purchase. The seedlings are from Wisconsin’s Wilson State Nursery and ...
Wisconsin’s DNR offers 2-year-old oak seedlings for reforestation, highlighting four native types and requiring a minimum order of 300 for landscape and ecological benefits.
Steele is professor of biology and H. Fenner Chair of Research Biology at Wilkes University. Steele is one the world’s foremost authorities on oak seed dispersal and the tree squirrels that play a ...
University of Missouri Extension has partnered with the Missouri Department of Conservation on a program to establish white oak seed orchards on private land. These orchards are intended to ...