A horror film directed by Kaneto Shindō follows a group of samurai mercenaries led by Raiko Minamoto who storm the home of Yone and her daughter, pillaging their food before raping and murdering the ...
As competing services, and especially genre-specific ones such as Shudder, continue to expand their horror movie collections, it’s harder and harder for Netflix to project any sense of ...
After drawing up huge rankings of the best horror movies on Netflix and the best horror movies on Hulu, it’s safe to say we’ve gotten used to the challenge of diving through the refuse of a ...
and an undisputed classic that should be perfect to put on at the right kind of family gathering. You’re Next is a wonderful Frankenstein’s monster of a movie. Part comedy, part horror movie ...
sexuality and seduction are key factors in several of the best horror movies of all time. Given that it’s ostensibly about making a pornographic movie, Ti West’s 2022 hit X could either be ...
The best horror movies aren't just for spooky season! This horror-filled list can be enjoyed at any time of year, as it spans many-a-streaming platform where these movies will terrify many-a-watcher.