Most document retrieval in GenAI is based on semantic similarity, but this approach falls short in a few ways when analyzing clinical texts.
A number of tradwives such as Aria Lewis also have their own clothing and merchandise lines for their followers to buy.
At its core, Orozco’s work is both a semiological and ontological attempt to uncover the structural logic behind the seemingly random and irrational material relations that shape our world.
I write today to urge a strengthening of support by Cornell University for the Paleontological Research Institution on Trumansburg Rd. in Ithaca. I have visited and delivered lectures at both ...
Brittney McNamara is an award-winning journalist who has been reporting on health issues, including mental health, reproductive rights, sexual assault and LGBTQ+ identity since 2014. In her ...
An ontology for materials characterization which represents the evolution of the CHADA template in an ontological form, allowing to generate FAIR documentation of Characterisation Experiments and that ...