Microglia are the resident immune cells of the central nervous system that exert diverse roles in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke. During the past decades, microglial polarization and chemotactic ...
Microglia are the immune cells of the brain. Hyperactivation of microglia contributes to the pathology of metabolic and neuroinflammatory diseases. Evidence has emerged that links the circadian clock, ...
在人体的神经系统中,小胶质细胞(Microglia)作为中枢神经系统的常驻免疫细胞 ... 并表达关键的小胶质细胞标记物,如 P2RY12 和 IBA1。同时,iMG 表现出显著的吞噬能力,能够有效摄取荧光纳米珠和突触小体,这表明研究人员成功获得了高质量的 iMG,为后续 ...
Background Translocator protein (TSPO)-PET and neurofilament light (NfL) both report on brain pathology, but their potential association has not yet been studied in multiple sclerosis (MS) in vivo. We ...
小胶质细胞的缺失显著降低了特定 Müller 细胞标记物的转录水平 RNA 测序数据证实,PLX5622 处理显著降低了小胶质细胞特异性基因(如 P2ry12、Tmem119 和 Fcrls)的转录水平,同时增加了星形胶质细胞标记物(如 Pax2、Gfap、Pdgfra)的表达水平,但小胶质细胞的消融并未 ...