美国一架联邦快递 (FedEx)波音767货机星期六 (3月1日)从新泽西州纽瓦克机场起飞不久后遭遇鸟击,在单侧发动机起火的情况下紧急折返降落。 原定飞往印第安纳波利斯的联邦快递3609航班于上午7时58分起飞,9分钟后安全降落。美国联邦航空管理局 ...
Forty-six people were killed when a Sudanese army plane crashed in a residential area near a military airport in the ...
A Southwest Airlines passenger plane nearly collided with a private jet at the Chicago Midway International Airport Tuesday morning, local media reported.
When Delta Flight 4819 from Minneapolis to Toronto landed in a fiery crash that ripped off a wing and rolled the plane upside down, panicked onlookers feared the worst. But Michael McCormick saw decad ...