As the spring calving season approaches, an increased understanding of the parturition process is helpful. The more we understand about the physiology of the process, the more likely we are to make ...
2 Mechanics and events of parturition or its complications (abbrev: Intrapartum) Deaths occurring after onset of labor (intrapartum or neonatal) and where the most significant causal mechanisms ...
Preparing for the calving season can help minimize calf loss and reduce stress on those caring for the cowherd. The following ...
Preparing for the calving season can help minimize calf loss and reduce stress on those caring for the cowherd.
OBJECTIVE To identify in the literature how the experiences of women age 35 or above are described in terms of pregnancy. METHOD Integrative review based on MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, and SciELO ...