In the next few weeks, it would be a good time to consider dividing these flowing plants. As these perennials grow, they multiply. Almost like a cell splitting, they go from one plant to a mass of ...
There are certain flowers that look gorgeous in your garden ... until a deer eats them. Don't give up! These deer-resistant blooms can add life to your yard.
Your garden will be a riot of colour this summer if you take action now and keep your seedlings somewhere bright and sunny ...
A community hop growing scheme in east Kent is set to expand. Hop Along Thanet, a non-profit making organisation which ...
Turfgrass Alternatives Mosses are ideal for moist, shaded areas and bring a soft, natural feel to your yard. Ornamental ...
Gardening in March means waiting to plant until the last freeze. Learn more about Forks on Fridays gardening classes in Winston-Salem.