At the 12th Global Video Media Forum, Ahmed Nadeem, secretary general of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union, discussed in depth the important role that media plays in international communication. He ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@山东县城大学生于12月04日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 昨日,第30届PS合作伙伴奖公布了日本及亚洲地区的最终结果,《女神异闻录3 Reload》与《女神异闻录4 黄金版》均获奖: 《女神异闻录3 Reload》获得伙伴奖 伙伴奖 ...
From November 29th to December 1st, the 21st Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macao Cantonese Opera Day took place at the Cantonese Opera ...
《黑神话:悟空》获得Equinox LATAM拉美游戏奖共6项提名,分别为最佳PlayStation游戏、最佳PC游戏、最佳原创配乐、最佳美术指导、最佳动作冒险以及年度最佳游戏! 而就在昨天,Equinox ...
"We view the Maritime Silk Road not just as a trade network but as a transformative force connecting distant civilizations, enriching humanity's shared cultural heritage, and laying the foundation for ...
《好东西》上映后,好评如潮,豆瓣评分9.1。三年前以《爱情神话》惊艳四座的邵艺辉,再度以一部精巧幽默的作品,切入了都市女性的生活状态。"Her Story", the latest feature film from award-winning ...
Along the Beijing Central Axis, there is a calligraphy studio – Zhuang Peisen Calligraphy Art Studio. The owner of this studio is master Zhuang Peisen, an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage ...
Kim Jong Un, the top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, on Friday met visiting Russian Defense Minister ...