Cohabitation is a growing trend in rural areas, not just cities. The old American values are struggling, and this traps the ...
TV shows and movies often reflect our society. Every well-written character has a social background that defines how they would react in the film world.
This article was originally published on The Conversation, an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. Disclosure information is available on the ...
Janice Gassam Asare, a workplace equity consultant, and Aldon Morris, a professor of sociology at Northwestern University and ...
It is rare to see hugs and tears on the floor of the Idaho legislature once a bill is passed. But the joy, in this case, was ...
It has always been costly and time-intensive to develop land in Appalachia.
Manitoba’s newest university campus has a self-imposed mandate to recruit students who are experiencing poverty and searching ...
HK's new budget doesn't do enough to support the underprivileged, SoCO has said, citing meager subsidy allowances and the end ...
If we are going to restore America's fiscal health, then we need to restore the American family. We outsourced much of our ...
Amanda Zavitz, a self-professed DEI advocate, was forced to drop out of Ontario's upcoming legislative elections after shock ...
Amanda Zavitz, a self-professed DEI advocate, was forced to drop out of Ontario's upcoming legislative elections after shock ...