PowerPoint and Slides show a lot of tools on screen by default, whereas Keynote takes a more reserved approach that helps ...
Many companies and schools pay for in-house training software when they could instead use PowerPoint to achieve similar ...
As a minimum, good title slides should have an eye-catching title, a subtitle that complements the title, and a thematic ...
自说自话、观点平庸、逻辑混乱、文字堆砌、排版随意、色彩花哨、莫名其妙的动画…… 新手制作的PPT或多或少存在这些问题。学习PPT之前,需要对PPT的优劣有一个清晰的概念。如果觉得以上问题都不是问题或根本看不出自己的PPT有问题,那才是最大的问题。
Discover the surprising origin of Assassin's Creed Mirage, which started as a simple DLC for Valhalla before evolving into a ...
Admit it — you're probably not a fan of making PowerPoint presentations. The process can be tedious and time-consuming, and putting together multiple slides can easily feel repetitive after some ...
In the video below, we show you the key principles for designing effective PowerPoint slides for a scientific presentation.
在职场和课堂上,PPT(PowerPoint)成为了我们不可或缺的项目展示工具。无论是学术报告、商业会议还是个人作品,PPT的作用与日俱增。然而,最近,一款还在内测阶段的全新工具引发了广泛关注,业内人士纷纷热议:它真的能颠覆PPT的写作方式吗? 一、PPT的现状与问题 在众多的大会和课堂上,我们常常能看到那些设计精美、内容丰富的PPT,但背后却是许多人耗费大量时间和精力的结果。从构思到设计,再到排 ...