Many companies and schools pay for in-house training software when they could instead use PowerPoint to achieve similar ...
PowerPoint and Slides show a lot of tools on screen by default, whereas Keynote takes a more reserved approach that helps ...
自从大模型诞生之后,生成式AI就得到了极大的发展,AI自动生成PPT等工具产品层出不穷。这篇文章,我们来看看其 […] ...
文字似乎是PPT的死敌,不像图片自带一张漂亮的脸蛋。PPT中的文字如果处理不好,将拉低整个版面的颜值。今天就来看一下,必学的PPT文字排版技巧。 1.增加标题文字间距 在排版PPT的文字时,标题文字之间通常需要较大的间距,从而让标题文字看起来疏密有致 ...
Pool Protection Technologies, a Savannah-based start-up pioneering sustainable pool maintenance solutions, recently won both ...
With the exception of participating in a Pre-Placement Talk (PPT), students are strictly not allowed to interact with the ...
I remember the good old days when my professor would enter the classroom sharp at 8 am, armed with a handful of white chalk pieces, and leave at ...
The girl claimed on her X/Twitter video post that she was rejected for being too young to rent a house. She made a ...
自说自话、观点平庸、逻辑混乱、文字堆砌、排版随意、色彩花哨、莫名其妙的动画…… 新手制作的PPT或多或少存在这些问题。学习PPT之前,需要对PPT的优劣有一个清晰的概念。如果觉得以上问题都不是问题或根本看不出自己的PPT有问题,那才是最大的问题。
Enter Fotor, the user-friendly design tool that promises to transform your presentation game. With its automation ...