Directed by Richard Rich, this animated movie is the 11th installment in the Swan Princess franchise. In it, we get to go back 25 years and discover how Uberta (voiced by Catherine Lavine) became the ...
Princess Switch Collection is a series of movies about two young ladies, who look alike, are about the same age and like switching their lives with each other for a period of time. They are ...
View post on Instagram The palace also shared that this year, the Princess of Wales "wanted to celebrate the many people supporting those in need – individuals who have inspired, counselled ...
Sun Princess debuted February 2024; Star Princess debuting October 2025. Expanded itineraries available to book in the Caribbean and Alaska. New food and beverage partnerships with Caymus ...
The Princess of Wales says she is undergoing preventative chemotherapy after cancer was found in tests. In a video statement released by Kensington Palace, Catherine said the news came as a "huge ...
The new Princess Aurora story is the first Princess Aurora story since the original Sleeping Beauty, and takes place after the events of the original film.
Princess Bajrakitiyabha is widely seen in Thailand as the most plausible heir to the throne. The Thai King's eldest daughter collapsed from a heart condition on Wednesday evening, Thailand's royal ...
The princes and princesses are excited for the All Hallows Eve Costume Ball, especially Princess Amber, who's determined to win the Costume Contest for the third year in a row. However, the Fairies ...