Sigmund Freud, in his psychoanalytic theory, viewed suicide as a form of self-directed aggression. Emile Durkheim, in Le Suicide, identified lack of social integration and intense societal pressures ...
Sigmund Freud, in his psychoanalytic theory, viewed suicide as a form of self-directed aggression. Emile Durkheim, in Le Suicide, identified lack of social integration and intense societal pressures ...
This group show at Rose Easton gallery in east London, created in collaboration with Ginny on Frederick, uncovers our ...
The wisdom and bonding across generations is what holds our culture together. When we reach out to our neighbors with greater ...
Dreaming about lice can be unpleasant, but it's a chance to reflect on aspects of our lives that cause discomfort or stress.
Travis Paul Martin is someone who sticks to a uniform: a cashmere sweater and jeans in the winter, or gym shorts and a tee in ...
Therapy may not seem like an occasion that requires putting much thought into an outfit. But even if patients do not mean to ...
Dieter Kosslick on life after the Berlinale, the environment and his work with the Green Visions Potsdam Festival.
Many contemporary approaches to psychotherapy have their origins in classic psychoanalytic theory, yet they ignore or negate some fundamental dynamic principles.
Pudumaippittan’s novella Stepmother, translated by Subash Jeyan, carries the stamp of the Tamil writer’s distinctive minimalist style that leaves much to the reader’s imagination and interpretation.
Dr. Suchismita Sinha, a faculty member at Sarojini Naidu College for Women, offered a contemporary perspective on psychoanalytic therapy, emphasizing its relevance in addressing modern-day mental ...