Michelle Rigsby used puzzle time to reconnect with her busy family. In the process, she gave birth to a puzzle business.
Michelle Rigsby used puzzle time to reconnect with her busy family in Rockwall. In the process, she gave birth to a puzzle ...
So, she tossed ideas around during the pandemic to make that happen. Board games? Been there, done that. Then, puzzles came into her thought bubble. "I'm like, 'You know what I haven't done in a ...
Google revealed the date of Google I/O 2025 with an interactive puzzle game. It turns out that Gemini played a big role in ...
Let your child decide what to cut up and make a puzzle from - it could be a cereal box, leaflet or other piece of card from the recycling. Ask them about why they have chosen that picture to use.
More Australians are becoming “dissectologists”, or puzzle enthusiasts, with the rise of speed puzzling Only one Australian attended the World Jigsaw Puzzle Championship in 2019; at least 40 ...