Utah has the lowest rate of smoking in the nation, but lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the state, ...
For decades, scientists have puzzled over traces of primordial helium—a rare isotope known as ³He—escaping from volcanic ...
Our planet’s core is made mostly of iron, but it might also contain primordial helium that formed just after the Big Bang. Helium normally has trouble bonding with other elements, but researchers were ...
Unexplained peak in the abundance of beryllium-10 in ferromanganese ocean crusts could become an independent time marker for geological dating ...
Electron antineutrinos are emitted during nuclear beta decay, a type of radioactive decay in which a neutron decays into a ...
Deposits Found on a Nearby Asteroid Point to Salty Water in the Outer Solar System Scientists have uncovered salt minerals in ...
Asteroids that orbit close to the Earth inevitably cause us some anxiety due to the even remote possibility of a collision. But their proximity also offers ample opportunities to learn more about the ...
The result is a power source with a half-life of 5,700 years, meaning it could potentially last for tens of thousands of ...
The approach, called the Beryllium Electron capture in Superconducting Tunnel junctions experiment (BeEST) works because the ...
Nuclear power is going through a bit of a renaissance as developed countries look for sources of cheap, plentiful energy to ...
Earth must have experienced something exceptional 10 million years ago. Our study of rock samples from the floor of the ...
The National Cancer Institute estimates that radon causes about 21,000 lung cancer deaths annually. Local geologist Patricia Fabbri urges residents to test their homes for the gas, especially during ...