Harman Technology has unveiled its latest innovation for film photography enthusiasts: Harman Red 125, a medium-speed, ISO125 red-scale film derived from the Harman Phoenix emulsion. This unique film ...
Red 125 is a professionally finished ISO 125 redscale film. Redscale is the effect of shooting through the back of color film, exposing the red-sensitive layer first. “By doing this you are exposing ...
漏光常见的可能性有: 1.有些老相机功能的退化,例如底片是海绵的老化,本身就会漏一点光 2.忘记相机里面有底片,或是不小心撞到相机,使得在底片室里的底片见光死? 3.人为刻意使他漏光,常见的方法是在打开一点机背在快速阖上 漏光的惊喜在于,光就像 ...
Epson are said to have discontinued its V850 Pro and 13000XL film scanners, apparently because they can no longer source the CCD scanning units. Keith Cooper, an architectural and industrial ...
The Chinese film brand makes nearly a dozen films from Eastman Kodak cinema stock (Pic: Reflx Lab) Chinese film brand Reflx Lab has warned that the recent crackdown of respooling of Kodak-branded ...