此外,科迪华还展示了生物杀线虫剂Lumialza。这一针对大豆和玉米的创新产品含有解淀粉芽孢杆菌(菌株PTA-4838),是一种天然生物防治剂。它能够在作物根部定植,形成生物屏障,有效防控根结线虫( Meloidogyne incognita )、孢囊线虫( Heterodera glycines )和干尖线虫( Pratylenchus ...
UK free-buy potato markets have started to recover during February as buyer interest returns following a lull in demand last ...
近日,Plant,Cell & Environment在线发表了山东农业大学李宁教授团队题为“The ZmAHL25-ZmPUB19-ZmMPK5 module positively regulates resistance to Rhizoctonia solaniin ...
Virus yellows risk in sugar beet is reducing following cold weather in January and early February, according to the British ...
生物杀菌剂的核心是源自自然界的活性细菌,它们不仅能抑制病原真菌,还能与植物根系建立共生关系,增强作物的防御力。科迪华农业科技推出的生物杀菌种衣剂,如L-2013 P和L-2012 R(适用于玉米),以及L-2030 R(适用于大豆),均含有特定的枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus)菌株。这些细菌能够迅速在幼苗根部定殖,与有害真菌争夺生存空间,抑制其生长,同时为根系提供一层“生物保护伞”。
Red Crown Rot has not been found in Ohio, yet. The key word in that sentence is “yet”. Red Crown Rot has been found in the border states of both Kentucky and Indiana. It is important for farmers in ...
Plant diseases caused by microbial pathogens pose a severe threat to global food security. Although genetic modifications can improve plant resistance; however, environmentally sustainable strategies ...