Machine learning for multivariate data through the Riemannian geometry of positive definite matrices in Python ...
This limitation hinders the representation learning capability of the models. To address this issue, this paper focuses on how to better extend the representation learning from a single space to ...
An article containing all of the working codes for Zombie Waves, which players can use to receive all sorts of great goodies. Geometry Dash players looking to add some extra icons and colors can ...
This is a pre-configured Visual Studio project to try LVGL on a Windows PC. The project only depend on Win32 API, C Runtime and C++ STL, so you can compile it without any extra dependencies. The ...
Trettel, who holds a PhD in mathematics from UC Santa Barbara, studies applications of geometric deep learning and sub-Riemannian geometry in classical physics ... Taylor, who holds an MFA from ...
This tool allows you to learn about various geometric solids and their properties. You can manipulate and color each shape to explore the number of faces, edges, and vertices, and you can also use ...