简约自主机器人的神经形态计算Neuromorphic Computing for Parsimonious Autonomous Robots客座编辑:Nitin J. Sanket, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, ...
在现实环境中,人形机器人易于摔倒,而依赖人工干预进行恢复严重限制了其自主性和部署能力。传统手工设计的起身控制器难以适应复杂地形和多变初始姿态。 为解决此问题,论文《Learning Getting-Up Policies for Real-World ...
TMTPOST -- MagicBot, a Chinese company specializing in embodied intelligent robots, has successfully developed its first-generation self-researched dexterous hand, the MagicHand S01. The product ...
An Wei, secretary of the Communist Party of China Zhengzhou committee, called for all officials in the city to master the use ...
Las máquinas pertenecen a Shenzhen Engine AI Robotics Technology. Uno de sus representantes señaló el lunes que los robots en el video son uno de los tres modelos humanoides de la empresa. La última ...