China's Mars rover discovered evidence of an ancient Red Planet beach. Here's why scientists are excited about this.
Scientists have used orbiters and rovers to find dried streams, lakes, and gullies on Mars that hint at its watery past, but ...
Earth may now be home to the most glorious beaches in the solar system , but 3 billion years ago, it may have been Mars that ...
Mars, the “Red Planet,” has fascinated scientists for centuries. A new study suggests that its red colour comes from ...
Despite being Earth's nearest planetary neighbour, Mars is a cold and desolate planet. But scientists think it wasn't always ...
The evidence comes from data collected by China’s Zhurong Mars rover, which landed in the Utopia Planitia region of Mars in ...
Strange, tilted geological formations spotted on Mars may be ancient beaches on the shore of a huge ocean, data from China's ...
A study suggests Mars takes its red hue from a type of mineral that forms in cool water, which could reveal insights about ...
NASA’s Perseverance rover, currently exploring Mars, is using Raman spectroscopy to analyse Martian rocks and hunt for signs ...
The now inactive Chinese rover has found the clearest evidence yet of a former ocean on Mars – including beach and waves.
Mars may have once been a paradise with Earth-like oceans and balmy beaches that would have been ideal for harboring living ...
A new study reveals that Mars had sun-scorched beaches with waves breaking on ancient ocean shores. Data from China's Zhurong ...