The new dbForge for SQL Server 7.0 update is packed with great features to help you manage your databases faster and easier.
Thanks to the best game server hosting providers, hosting your own game server has never been simpler. Once, it could be an unwieldy and expensive experience, but all these hosting providers ...
:::image type="icon" source="../includes/media/download.svg" border="false"::: Download SQL Server 2017 :::image type="icon" source="../includes/media/azure-vm.svg ...
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient is a .NET data provider for Microsoft SQL Server and the Azure SQL family of databases. It grew from a union of the two System.Data.SqlClient components which live ...
The CERT Division is a leader in cybersecurity. We partner with government, industry, law enforcement, and academia to improve the security and resilience of computer systems and networks. We study ...
The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted SQL Server Configuration Manager is installed along with installation of SQL Server which you can do by following the steps ...
Go to the Configuration Manager console. Then, choose ‘Site Configuration’ > ‘Sites’, and then select your site server. In the Software Update Point Component Properties dialog box that ...