Written and directed by Mari Okada, this sci-fi anime is set in Mifuse, a town in rural Japan, which underwent a catastrophe that stopped the aging process of the townsfolk, keeping them in the same ...
There are multiple genres for storytelling, but it is usually the sad endings that make a story more memorable for the players, which is probably why games like Red Dead Redemption or The Walking ...
There is no mystery to feeling sad when you are faced with disappointment, loss, or stressful situations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Census Bureau began sending weekly questionnaires to ...
You’ve reached your account maximum for followed topics. Following some confusion in the Sonic the Hedgehog community, Sega sets the record straight regarding the Blue Blur’s living situation ...
“I think it made me sad and also made me happy for him in a way,” Clark said. “He’s thinking about this opportunity that Jake Paul and Most Valuable Productions are pretty much just giving ...
He also revealed that finally when he received his first National Award, he felt sad. He said, “The only thing I told Sukumar, I don’t care if this film flops, I just want this film to bag us our ...
Following the success of Spinnaker’s previous watch collaboration with SpongeBob SquarePants, the watch brand is back with another quirky and fun watch collaboration. This time around ...
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects millions of Americans each year, and cases usually rise in late fall or early winter. SAD is brought on by various internal and external factors, but ...