Scientists are racing against time to save the northern white rhino from extinction. With only two left on Earth, a ...
Others are unconvinced. Even if babies were born from the embryos, the genetic diversity would still be "too low" to revive ...
Kenya - Two rhinos munch serenely on grass as the sun rises over Mount Kenya, oblivious to the massive global endeavor to ...
Save the Rhino International CEO Jo Shaw told AFP. It is likely too late for northern rhinos, she said, and the focus should be on the Javan and Sumatran subspecies, which each have fewer than 50 ...
This organization focuses on efforts to naturally breed and conserve rhinos, combined with human intervention. The breeding center was established as an effort to save the Sumatran rhinoceros, an ...
Northern White Rhino. Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Numerous conservation organizations and government agencies are working tirelessly to save the Sumatran rhino from ...