This project/repository is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and ...
用户可以在录制过程中直接添加箭头和文字批注,制作操作教程时可谓得心应手。 对于需快速分享的团队协作,ScreenRec以其云端存储和一键分享的功能倍受欢迎。录制后生成的短链接,无需下载便可观看,并支持隐私密码保护,适合用于快速发布和分享。
在数字化时代,录屏工具已成为教学、游戏视频制作和办公演示的必备利器。然而,市场上的录屏软件五花八门:从高昂的收费软件到功能单一的简陋版本,甚至有一些藏着广告与水印,让人挑得眼花缭乱。那么,如何在众多选择中快速找到免费且性能强大的录 ...
At the height of the pandemic lockdown and remote learning, instructional videos created by teachers became a fixture in how school was done. Asynchronous learning was a new catchphrase in education ...
ScreenRec is a free video capture app that has received high ratings from users for its simplicity and functionality. Users appreciate the app’s ability to capture HD video for an unlimited ...