The Source Coloring Book about homelessness is basic but fun, and informative enough for anyone to at any age to understand.
StoriLand, a Florida-based self-publisher, launches Florida Christmas: The Ultimate Coloring Book That Brings Florida’s ...
Ronnie Evans, who grew up in Middleton and now lives in Castleton, wrote his debut novel after his son bought him an iPad, ...
A boomer moved to Panama from California to save money. She said she's struggling to find work and relying on side hustles to ...
There is something inherently ridiculous about Kevin Killian’s posthumously published Selected Amazon Reviews. The book takes great pains to show it is very aware of this and to make sure the reader ...
Go to your calendar and set a regular (weekly or twice weekly) appointment to work on your book proposal. This can be ...
Between 2003 and 2019, Kevin Killian published almost twenty-four hundred reviews on the site. Can they be considered ...
Local therapist and author Ruth Fearnow's book on mindfulness offers tips for the practice as a healing modality.
More than 320 publishing-related tech startups, nearly all of them AI-related, have launched over the past two years. What ...
A Guidebook for Crossing the Transformational Chasm from Traditional to Digital Enterprise" by Motaz Agamawi is released with Forbes Books.
For every studio and publisher and digital media enterprise partnering with artificial intelligence technology but ...