Deuteronomy implies, in the Septuagint. that Jews’ diaspora would be a curse, producing a prediction that is hardly worse than lies their enemies polemically still print. In “Scattered Seeds ...
Before the 2nd century, most Palestian Jews preferred a canon loosely similar to the Protestant OT; however, the Greek-speaking Jews preferred the larger canon found in the Greek Septuagint Bible ...
The following are the most important versions or translations of the Bible. 1. Septuagint. The oldest Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament is known as the Septuagint, and was made between ...
The English word love covers many meanings, but in Greek we find concepts often known as 'the Four Loves'. This is the story ...
It’s about inventing designs, such as the elaborate patterns woven into the Tabernacle’s curtains, the veils, and the ephod ...
The Decalogue, which most people mistakenly call “The Ten Commandments,” is contained in the fifth Exodus biblical portion, Yitro, which Moses repeats with many changes in the fifth chapter of ...
The word 'ekklesia' was used by Greek-speaking Jews for their gatherings. It was used about a hundred times in the Septuagint (often abbreviated as LXX), which was the Greek translation of the Hebrew ...
A couple of months before Christmas, we began a series on the Messiah. It's interesting to learn details about His coming, but more importantly, this is the same Jesus who is alive and present today.
22 1 Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, "Abraham!" "Here I am," he replied. 2 Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, whom you love-Isaac-and go to the region of Moriah.
or according to the Septuagint above 7,000.... This inquiry seeming to me well to deserve consideration, and worthy the thoughts of the Royal Society, 1 shall take leave to propose an expedient ...