All the latest game footage and images from Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Collector's Edition by Insomniac Games | 2002 2 / 4 3 / 4 4 / 4 2 / 4 3 / 4 4 / 4 ...
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So that would be Spyro the Dragon (1998), Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage (1999), and Spyro: Year of the Dragon (2000). The remake collection was highly praised by fans and critics and sold well.
The bundle, originally released in 2018, includes remakes of Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage!, and Spyro: Year of the Dragon from the original PlayStation. Sypro Reignited Trilogy may ...
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