引言您是否想过,一种曾让医学界束手无策的病毒,竟能化身精准的"微型制药厂"?2月18日《Nature Biotechnology》的最新突破“Sustained in situ protein production and release in ...
相较于传统口服生物药,噬菌体递送系统具有独特优势。它能够 直接在肠道局部释放蛋白 ,避免系统性分布导致的脱靶效应。噬菌体与宿主菌形成动态平衡,可按需释放蛋白,减少频繁给药需求。 T4 噬菌体仅感染特定大肠杆菌,且无法侵染真核细胞 ...
This technology consists of a method for the simultaneous development of multiple bacterial detection assays based on a T4 bacteriophage system. A T4 reporter bacteriophage strain is used that carries ...
In 1961, this group provided the first evidence for a triplet code by way of experiments using the T4 bacteriophage (a bacteria-specific virus). In particular, these researchers devised a clever ...