It's officially titled Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound and will star the new hero, Kenji Mozu. The story follows on from the departure of Ryu Hayabusa, who goes off to avenge his father's death. This game ...
Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound is coming to the Switch and multiple other platforms in Summer 2025 and is a brand new 2D side-scroller starring a new hero known as Kenji Mozu. Here's the full story from the ...
Whether your kids have been naughty or nice, there's at least one trendy toy on their wish list each year that turns into a difficult purchase. What was that toy the year you were born? What about ...
World domination is within LOLtron's grasp! Today, we examine TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures Continued #19, hitting stores on Wednesday, November 27th. Feast your optical sensors on this ...