Um relatório de think tank divulgado nesta quarta-feira oferece uma análise aprofundada de como o mundo é convidado a ...
BOAO, Hainan, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- A think tank report released on Wednesday offers an in-depth analysis of how the world is invited to experience a real China up-close, as foreign tourists swarm into ...
原标题:“We face common challenges and need practical solutions”: Dr. Balew Demissie on strengthening Africa-China cooperation In an exclusive interview with Guangming Online, Dr. Balew Demissie, Communic ...
Um relatório divulgado na terça-feira expõe o progresso ecológico da China e suas contribuições para a sustentabilidade ...
SAO PAULO, 12 nov (Xinhua) -- El Foro de Medios de Comunicación y Think Tanks del Sur Global tuvo lugar el lunes y martes en la ciudad brasileña de Sao Paulo, durante el cual se presentó el informe ...
This photo shows the think tank report "A New Model for Human Advancement and Its Global Significance" released during the Global South Media and Think Tank Forum in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Global ...
2024年11月11日至12日,首届“全球南方”媒体智库高端论坛在巴西圣保罗举行。论坛主题为“唱响‘全球南方’主旋律 开启发展振兴新征程”。来自70多个国家和地区的170家媒体、智库、政府部门、企业等机构的约350名代表参会。
一点点放下。放下预设,放下限定。接受未知,那可以是迎接未知的惊喜,也能见招拆招未知的难事。 每一年,每个时刻,阶段性拔节般的成长,李现自己的职业经历被影像记录过。不久前,他爱上了摄影,拍下时光纵情于世间的颗粒与肌理,也找寻另一种自我表达和解读人间的方式。 现下,他很乐于做的事,是从内耗中脱离,走向山野,片刻寄情。 拍摄《芭莎》之前,李现正在新疆。经历了长途跋涉般七个月的工作——主演古装大戏《国色芳 ...