Cicmil is particularly interested in proteins with hydrophobic pockets—potential binding sites for new drugs—that undergo the process of autopalmitoylation, which determines where the protein goes and ...
The per­son­nel situa­ti­on has impro­ved. Ameen Al-Dak­hil appears to have final­ly reco­ver­ed from his ill­ness. Howe­ver, ...
The company will develop a pipeline of small molecule inhibitors that target a unique lipid-binding pocket on proteins.
It could have been so pro­mi­sing: over­co­ming some tough oppon­ents in the league, unex­pec­ted­ly coll­ec­ting points in ...
Researchers from Cogent Biosciences Inc. have presented data on their PI3KA H1047R mutant inhibitor CGT-6297 PI3KA wild-type inhibitors can lead to toxicity issues such as hyperglycemia, ...
This personal advice column was one of November's most tead articles. Q I’m a 63-year-old retired public-sector worker. As I worked in the UK in the 1980s and paid National Insurance ...
Lawmakers in s tead decided to send out a survey in order to get a better idea of what backup power sources already exist. In Wednesday’s hearing, Dionne-Vahalik noted more than half of the ...
This article is based on a poster originally authored by Benjamin Bader, Volker Badock, Katrin Nowak-Reppel, Roman C. Hillig, Martin Lange, Jörg Weiske, and Holger Steuber, which was presented at ...
Baobab Aibio Co. Ltd. has disclosed transcriptional coactivator YAP1/transcriptional enhancer factor (TEAD) interaction inhibitors reported to be useful for the treatment of cancer.
We observe that the AP-1 family of TFs (Fos/Jun) are frequently required for binding of TEAD TFs and for enhancer function. However, many sequence variants outside of core motifs for AP-1 and TEAD ...