The thalamus acts as an interface between the periphery and the cortex, with nearly every sensory modality processing information in the thalamocortical circuit. Despite well-established thalamic ...
The thalamus is a brain area that is located between the cerebral cortex and midbrain, and surrounds the third ventricle. The thalamus has an important role in mediating sensory information to ...
The migration of GABAergic neurons into the thalamus occurs over a protracted period, first from the midbrain. Disruption of CNTNAP2 activity and function could be hypothezised to have a variety of ...
A new study reveals that working memory limitations stem from learning challenges rather than storage capacity.
Working memory is what allows humans to juggle different pieces of information in short-term scenarios, like making a mental ...
Working memory is what allows humans to juggle different pieces of information in short-term scenarios, like making a mental grocery list and then going shopping or remembering and then dialing a ...
By Balasubramani Paranthaman Sleep is a vital part of life, essential for both physical and mental well-being. However, sleep ...
The authors conclude that these connections are less specific. In this article, the authors examined the organization of misplaced retinal inputs in the visual thalamus of albino mice at ...
引言当小鼠灵巧地甩动胡须探索世界时,它的大脑皮层深处正上演着一场精密的"社交舞会"——数万个神经元通过特定的连接规则,将肢体运动转化为神经电码。这项2月26日发表于《Nature》的研究“Brain-wide presynaptic networks ...
Embarrassing memories stick with us, but not for other people. Even years later, we might cringe to think of the things we've ...
Little is known about the associated brain activation during these sleep rhythms, and even less about their functional implications. In this study, we investigated the brain-wide activation underlying ...