The original 1986 animated movie stands alone in the G1 continuity, which is followed by the five main live-action movies aka the Michael Bay era. Alongside those, there is now also the rebooted ...
K.P. How to watch: Damsel is now streaming on Netflix. You've never seen an action movie quite as bombastic or as bromantic as RRR. Director S.S. Rajamouli draws loosely from history to tell the ...
But that was also one of the reasons why the filmmakers wanted to go with live action rather than animate it, rather than do something that's been done before.” “And this movie's been in ...
K.P. How to watch: Damsel is now streaming on Netflix. You've never seen an action movie quite as bombastic or as bromantic as RRR. Director S.S. Rajamouli draws loosely from history to tell the ...
Sometimes you just want to watch someone kick butt. That's where the best action movies come in, with their endless supply of fights, chases, and explosions. No genre packs more punches — and ...
“Why guys go out there like that, you’ve got to give them a chance,” defensive coordinator Tony White said ... Often, the Hawkeyes use play-action run fakes and throw to open tight ...