Here are some yoga asanas that beginners can try as starting step. Beginners often lean too far forward in this posture, making it more like a plank. Instead, keep your weight mostly in your legs and ...
Why we do it: This yoga pose will open the shoulders and stretch the whole spine. It is one of the best yoga poses for ...
Bhujangasna or the cobra pose may help to improve flexibility and keep stress at bay. Here's how to do it the right way.
Stronger core? Balance? Flexibility? Relieve tension? Here are 8 yoga poses great for improving your balance and flexibility. They may ...
Thread the Needle Pose also known as Urdhva Mukha Pasasana stretches and opens the shoulders, chest, arms, upper back, and neck. It releases the tension that is commonly held in the upper back and ...
If it weren’t for vinyasa yoga, I’d still be living my life in a constant state of burnout. Eight years ago I discovered the practice and it’s since equipped me with the tools to manage ...
体式非常适合缓解压力和紧张。 在梵语中,它被称为Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana。 “Urdhva”的意思是“向上” “Prasarita”指的是“扩展” ‘eka’是‘一’ Pada的意思是“脚” “asana”指的是“姿势” 名字清楚地表明了练习者在这个体式中做了什么。它需要将身体 ...
I blend a strong academic background in history (bachelor's and master's) with a passion for storytelling. A history geek at heart, I thrive on weaving narratives and enjoy the charm of classical ...