Jerry McArthur was out on his electric hydrofoil — a propeller-driven ocean glider that he designs and sells — when he was ...
When the carcasses of headless baby harbor seals began emerging on the Northern California coastline close to a decade ago, researchers hadn’t seen anything like it before. The thick mats of ice plant ...
Marineland’s land severance deal prioritizes financial gain over the well-being of its marine animals, leaving their future uncertain.
The working group, formed in September, has its inaugural meeting in an effort to come up with a way to balance recreational ...
Julie Packard, the long-time CEO of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, announced her resignation but will continue her conservation efforts.
Explore the ocean depths with your family at one of these top-rated aquariums, filled with fascinating sea creatures and ...
Shocking images of mass tourism in the pristine environment have Antarctic Treaty countries considering a tax for visitors, ...
Farming more from the sea could help shrink the negative impact of mariculture on biodiversity, so long as we are strategic ...
Chappy was found wandering on Chapel Street in New Haven and rescued by the Mystic Aquarium earlier this month.
Dr. Laurie Marker shares the highlights of her African homeland. She is doing more than just about anyone to stop the loss of ...
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