The Varroa destructor ... interrupting the mite's life cycle without using chemicals. Mechanical treatments include using "drone combs" — commercially available wax combs with large holes ...
a chemical treatment used in hives to kill varroa mite. She says her customers want products free of chemical residues. "They want to see clean, natural, pure, unadulterated honey and wax and that ...
Honey bee mortality can be significantly reduced by ensuring that treatments for the parasitic Varroa mite occur within specific timeframes, a new study reveals. Honey bee mortality can be ...
Honey bee mortality can be significantly reduced by ensuring that treatments for the parasitic Varroa mite occur within specific timeframes, a new study reveals. The mites—belonging to the ...
The varroa mite attacks bee larvae at a young age but a new generation of pesticides can combat it without harming the beehive A new weapon could help British honeybees fight off one of their ...
Varroa mite, a deadly parasitic mite has been detected across the Queensland-NSW border town of Boggabilla. Photo: NSW DPI In a statement Primary Industries Minister Tony Perrett said strong and ...