IT之家 2 月 27 日消息,据 9to5Mac 获取的一封信件显示,特朗普政府正在调查英国是否在秘密要求苹果公司在 iCloud 中创建全球后门时违反了双边协议。
2月18日,苹果公司报告iCloud服务出现重大故障,部分用户在使用iCloud时遇到验证错误信息,甚至无法完成存储升级支付交易。这一问题迅速引发广泛关注,不少用户在社交平台反馈AppleWallet无法添加银行卡、iCloud上传照片失败等困扰。i ...
2025年2月18日,苹果公司正式确认其iCloud云服务出现故障,引发了众多用户的不满和困惑。用户在使用iCloud服务时可能遇到验证错误信息,部分用户甚至无法完成存储升级支付交易。此外,社交媒体上也纷纷涌现出有关Apple ...
2月18日,苹果公司报告iCloud服务出现故障,部分用户在尝试使用iCloud时可能会收到验证错误信息。你有什么想说的欢迎留言区分享推荐阅读特朗普想要乌克兰一半稀土矿,泽连斯基紧急喊停退钱啦,3月底截止知名男演员被曝失联,此前卷入杀人案▌来源:界面新闻▌编辑:王海燕 ...
Apple is reportedly refusing to let the UK government into its end-to-end encrypted iCloud backups—so Advanced Data ...
Apple is reportedly about to release a new iCloud product this week, which is an important product of Services itself. Called Confetti unofficially, the new iCloud feature should be available in ...
iCloud scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, targeting unsuspecting users with urgent messages about their accounts. Our team recently received two suspicious iCloud emails. We want to ...
Advanced Data Protection enabled end to end encryption for additional iCloud data types, making your data more secure. Here's how to use it.