Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas ...
The University of Oklahoma's $2.1 billion enterprise represents one of Oklahoma's greatest assets. Our impact is changing the lives of all Oklahomans, through scholarship, research and more. 30,000+ ...
Listening to the news can feel like a journey. But 1A guides you beyond the headlines – and cuts through the noise. Let's get to the heart of the story, together – on 1A.
We appreciate our contributors sending in articles for publication to the various sections of DAWN. Since we receive scores of such contributions every day, contributions must be sent to the ...
By Colette Coleman Seeking city-style activities in a small-town setting, a young couple headed north out of San Francisco in search of a sunny place with character, preferably for less than $1 ...