今春开始,“Path Seekers问道中国”徒步小组开启徒步之旅、探寻之旅、交流之旅,来自法国和美国的外籍人士与中国文史专家一起,探访中国知名古道,探源中华传统文脉,求证中外文明互鉴印记,深刻理解中国式现代化背后的文化根基。
BEIJING, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) -- Multiple discoveries, including remnants of a city gate from the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) capital of Zhongdu in Beijing, were unveiled by the Beijing Archaeological Research ...
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LocatedintheheartoftheTaklamakanDesertinXinjiang,China,theNiyaRuinsareknownasthePompeiioftheEast.Theyhavebeenconfirmedasthesi ...
Louka, a Belgian student with a deep passion for Eastern arts, has embarked on her study abroad journey in Xi 'an, the starting point of the Silk Road. In just a few months, she has immersed herself i ...
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This undated video screenshot shows Li Ziqi receiving an interview with Xinhua. (Xinhua) ...
These awe inspiring performances all stem from ancient Chinese color tricks. "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", "The ...
Covering an area of 3.6 square kilometers, the ancient city of Kashi in Xinjiang is one of the largest existing earthen ...
On Nov 25, more than 300 archaeologists, writers, and musicians from over 60 countries and regions gathered in Liangzhu for ...
作者概述了翁通爪哇高原抑制或转移萨摩亚柱岩浆的情景,认为地幔熔融很可能在很大程度上受到抑制,尽管马莱塔熔岩可能是一个例外。他们说,这项新研究确定了一种以前未知的地质过程,称为“地幔柱-高原”相互作用,充实了以前关于热点历史的理论。作者在其他地方也发现 ...
The two-hour show is inspired by the classic image of the Luohe Goddess created by ancient Chinese lyric poet Cao Zhi. The ...
"When you go down the mountain to visit your mother, be extremely careful. Take the narrow paths, steering clear of the towns. The slightest slip could lead to discovery by government soldiers… " Thes ...