The revision to the military code of conduct refines the rules to award the excellent, punish violators and streamline relevant procedures. The revised regulations on military formation are added with ...
Xi Jinping, presidente da Comissão Militar Central, assinou ordens para publicar três regulamentos sobre a ordem interna das forças armadas, código de conduta e formação militar.
在2025年召开的民营企业座谈会上,总书记再次强调,党和国家对民营经济发展的基本方针政策,已经纳入中国特色社会主义制度体系,将一以贯之坚持和落实,不能变,也不会变。在这次座谈会上,总书记再次充分肯定民营经济发展取得的重大成就和为国家经济社会发展作出的 ...
China's continued support for the private sector, reiterated by President Xi Jinping, is expected to fuel further growth of tech and emerging industries, while promoting private enterprises to embrace ...
The private sector enjoys broad prospects and great potential on the new journey in the new era. It is a prime time for private enterprises and entrepreneurs to give full play to their capabilities, ...
BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) — The French, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic editions of "Understanding Xi Jinping's Educational Philosophy" have been jointly published by the Foreign Language Teaching and ...
El lunes por la mañana se celebró en Beijing un simposio muy esperado. El secretario general Xi Jinping asistió al coloquio ...
O setor privado tem amplas perspectivas e grande potencial na nova jornada na nova era. Este é um momento privilegiado para que as empresas privadas e os empreendedores aproveitem ao máximo suas ...
中国国家主席习近平星期一(2月17日)召开民营企业座谈会,包括华为创始人任正非、比亚迪董事长王传福等多位民企巨头都出席并提出建言,习近平于发表讲话时赞扬民营经济前景“广阔”,还要民企“大显身手”。对此,观察人士说,习近平意在提振民企信心、以拉抬低迷的 ...