Research involving more than 400 women showed that the quality of survivors' relationships was an indicator for long-term outcome.
A breast cancer diagnosis reshapes lives in unexpected ways, challenging individuals emotionally and physically while ...
Childhood cancer survivors are more than twice as likely to develop melanoma as the general population, according to findings ...
The Power of Pink breast cancer initiative began at the University of Alabama under Sarah and David Patterson.
One in three Australians living with cancer will develop cardiovascular disease due to the cardiotoxicity of treatments and other risk factors, making ...
Conor O’Leary, director of operations at Purple House, notes that the recently launched Cancer Support in the Workplace ...
Under this year's Cancer in Iowa report, the state still has the second highest rate of newly diagnosed cancers in the country.
"Suits and Sneakers Day" encourages lawmakers and volunteers to "hit the ground running" -- and make cancer policies a priority.
Valley Children’s Healthcare announced that they received a substantial donation on Wednesday.A spokesperson for the hospital ...
Out of the estimated 21,000 new diagnoses of cancer in Iowa expected this year, 2,000 of those diagnoses could be in Jackson, Clinton, Scott and Muscatine Counties.
Gov. Kim Reynolds has called for $1 million to start researching the reasons why cancer rates are rising in Iowa.
Cancer is a six-letter word that no one wants to hear. “The diagnosis hits every person differently,” said Joy Bush, Cancer ...