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澳大利亚的替代牛奶市场年产值超过6亿澳元,而且还在快速增长。一家由澳大利亚企业家经营的植物奶公司在支持着一部分世界上最贫困的女性。点击音频收听故事 虎坚果实际上是一种根茎类蔬菜,大小与鹰嘴豆相当。在西班牙,虎坚果常被用来制作虎坚果甜饮horchata ...
With regard to U.S. wielding the big stick of tariffs, Wang Yiwei said this move has undermined the global free trade regime ...
Discover the stark reality of melting ice caps and their impact on coastal cities. 🌊 Our planet is changing, and it's time to act! Join the conversation about climate change and its urgent consequenc ...