FORSTER 1 has recently examined the peritrophic membrane in Caridea (Crustacea, Decapoda). He found a membrane in the mid-gut of all the Caridea examined and was able to show that it was chitinous.
Figure 1: Strategy for detecting inter-telomeric copying of DNA. Figure 2: Detection of plasmid tag DNA at the telomere by FISH. We confirmed the FISH data by Southern-blot analysis of integrated ...
This discovery raises concerns that the waterborne ciliate could spread to the Pacific Ocean. Researchers warn that the outbreak is a highly aggressive global pandemic and are leading an international ...
This finding raises fears that the pathogen—a waterborne ciliate—could spread further, to the Pacific Ocean. The researchers warn that this is a highly aggressive global pandemic, and are now ...
Beijing (Reuters) – China and India agreed to facilitate the exchange of journalists between the two countries, China’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday. China and India also agreed to continue ...
Beijing, Jan 28 (Reuters) - China and India agreed to facilitate the exchange of journalists between the two countries, China's foreign ministry said on Tuesday. China and India also agreed to ...
Ciliates are an important ecological component in the microbial food web, but few studies have been conducted on the spatial distribution of small-sized planktonic ciliate communities in the East ...
Cilia are highly conserved, complex, centriole-derived, microtubule-containing organelles that are found in almost all types of eukaryotic cells (Satir and Christensen, 2007). According to their ...