The spring calving period is underway and as more cows begin to calve down, the amount of colostrum left over will increase.
No one can agree if calves need more or less colostrum. If you’ve listened to colostrum chatter over the past few years, you’ve likely heard recommendations to feed more to aid in additional passive ...
Any effort to prevent scours by vaccinating cows is wasted unless the calf nurses colostrum, preferably before it is two to four hours old. As the calf grows older, it loses its ability to absorb ...
RESULTS Pretreatment with 0.5 or 1 ml colostral preparation reduced gastric injury by 30% and 60% respectively in rats. A milk preparation was much less efficacious. Recombinant transforming growth ...
The mucosal immune system is a critical first line of defense to infectious diseases, as many pathogens enter the body through mucosal surfaces, disrupting the balanced interactions between mucosal ...
The transition period is a critical time when significant metabolic, physiological, and immunological changes occur for cows (1), as well as for their offspring (2). Nutritional supplementation ...