From the NASA mistake that made an interplanetary rocket explode to the bible with a very naughty misprint, these typos are ...
The Madras High Court has recently held that when divorce is sought on the grounds of adultery, the alleged adulterer should be made a co-respondent if the details are known. The court also ...
Its roots are in publicly paying penance for serious sins or crimes in the eyes of the church, like adultery or apostasy, ...
In our state right now, the Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act (APFRA), 1978 is the most talked-about and discussed topic. Some claim that the APFRA is a draconian measure that infringes upon ...
Most people on the Left and the Right misunderstand the essence of libertarianism. This should come as no surprise since even ...
The couple, 24 and 18, were found guilty of violating Sharia law, which is strictly enforced in Indonesia's Aceh province.
It is definitely most refreshing most reassuring and so also most reinvigorating to see that the Madhya Pradesh High Court at ...