超过40亿阿尼已投资于发展项目,这笔钱不是来自世界银行、欧盟、美国或任何其他来源,证明了这一体系的承诺和愿景。整个项目实施存在透明度。DABS首席执行官Abdul Bari Omar在110千伏Jarguduq变电站扩建和20千伏Pul-e-Khurasan ...
The Afghanistan Breshna Shirkat (DABS) has collected 31.5 billion afs revenue so far this year and paid off $227 million to the neighbouring countries . . .
"Just because I think the passing and the running, that's where the league is shifting to, and just off of Dabs's offense, we have a whole bunch of QB runs and situations where the QB has to run.