据温尼伯婚礼摄影师Joel Boily和另一位游客估计,过去一周,大约有200名加拿大游客经历了不同程度的疾病,而他们全都住在坎昆附近的Sandos Playacar全包酒店度假村。 Sandos Hotel & Resorts酒店度假村的一名代表在发给CBC的电子邮件中表示,这些病例可能与加拿大和美国当前流行的诺如病毒或季节性流感有关。
随着动画大片《哪吒2》的持续热映,潮玩产业如火如荼,一场手握“哪吒”文化的商业狂潮正在燃烧。在东莞市石排镇,沃工场文化有限公司的生产车间里, dozens of 迷你公仔如“哪吒”、“敖丙”在火速生产,背后承载的是数以亿计的订单和商家的期待。
纽约时间2025年2月12日, 全球管理咨询行业权威排名机构Vault正式发布2025年度全球咨询公司排行榜,包括 ...
On February 17th, a symposium on private enterprises was held in China. Chinese President Xi Jinping and other senior leaders ...
Incredible! 💪🏡 Recently in Guizhou, China, dozens of villagers teamed up for the ultimate ‘hardcore moving day’—lifting and carrying an entire house to a new location! 🏠🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️ Talk about streng ...
政府数据显示,2022年,共有约200万人任职于公共部门,而国际劳工组织(International Labour Organization)给出的数据更高。
In 2024, Mercedes-Benz, along with its Chinese partners, pledged an additional 14 billion yuan (US$1.92 billion) to expand its product portfolio in China. Additionally, the company inaugurated a new ...
“在人类对抗肥胖的漫长历史中,减肥药物的发展经历了多个阶段,每一次技术突破都为肥胖治疗带来了新的转机。从最初的食欲抑制剂和脂肪吸收抑制剂,到以胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)受体激动剂为代表的减重2.0时代,减肥药物的演进见证了医学在这一领域的不懈探 ...
Israel has received a shipment of heavy MK-84 bombs after the United States recently lifted a temporary ban on their delivery ...
近日,Ye(坎耶·韦斯特)在他的网站上宣传了一件带有纳粹标志的T恤,引发了网友不满,随后,“断眉”查理·普斯也对此做出了回应。 The "Light Switch" singer reacted to West promoting a shirt featuring the Nazi symbol on his website after a weekend of hate-filled post ...