Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
The exhibition showcases the exquisite Gongxian ceramics and their journey across the seas. Experience the vibrant culture ...
Michael Spence: Trump’s victory provides additional clarity in this regard. The United States is expected to further disengage from multilateral agreements—a trend that was already evident in previous ...
Over the years, Chen has played a role as the key architect in spearheading the aircraft's upgrade and series development.
科学家设计出以核废料为能源的电池,虽然发电量不大,但是仍然为核废料的再利用,找到新的途径。有趣的工程(Interesting Engineering)报导,核能是一种可靠的能源。然而,核燃料反应之后,会生成一些持续放射伽马射 ...
China topped the eight-team final in hoops and ranked third in the other portion of the final to edge Israel by 0.950 points. The China team pulled off a stunner in rhythmic gymnastics, as the ...
近日,科学突破奖基金会及其创始赞助商宣布了第十届科学突破奖的获奖者。其中,华人物理学家叶军和日本物理学家香取秀俊拿到了基础物理学突破奖,他们的研究成果光晶格钟运行 150 亿年误差也不到 1 秒,对于探测引力波、寻找暗物质、验证相对论都有重要作用。
最近,《哪吒2》的打油诗翻译火遍全网,引发了不少网友的热烈讨论。这首打油诗以‘天雷滚滚我好怕怕,劈得我浑身掉渣渣’等充满童趣的歌词,展现了哪吒的调皮与不羁。然而,如何将这首充满中文韵味的打油诗翻译成英文,既保留原意,又不失幽默感,成为了不少翻译爱好者 ...
The surge of DeepSeek, a two-year-old Hangzhou-based startup creating open-source large language models at much lower costs than foreign peers, has not only led to rising global investor interest in ...
Oppo's Peter Liu announces the release of the N5, the world's thinnest foldable phone. In China, foldable phone sales have ...
China's first ultra-deep scientific exploration well, Shenditake 1, was completed at a depth of 10,910 meters, making it the deepest vertical well in Asia and the second-deepest in the world, said its ...
宝子们,最近有个重大 scientific breakthrough ...