在今年纽约时装周(NYFW)期间,知名新锐品牌孵化平台 Flying Solo 再次掀起时尚浪潮,于标志性的 Canoe Studios 隆重呈现精彩大秀,汇聚来自美国及全球超过 60 位设计师,为时尚界带来一场极具前瞻性的视觉盛宴。
Over the years, Chen has played a role as the key architect in spearheading the aircraft's upgrade and series development.
A new air route connecting Dali, southwest China's Yunnan Province, with Bangkok of Thailand, was launched on Tuesday. Spanning over 1,300 kilometers, the flight route allows passengers to travel ...
A Southwest Airlines passenger plane nearly collided with a private jet at the Chicago Midway International Airport Tuesday ...
飞航资讯网追踪数据显示,美国空军3架专机周三(26日)飞往内华达州沙漠内的高度机密军事基地「51区」(Area 51),这些飞机隶属于美军机密的「Janet」波音737机队,专门负责运送国防部人员、军方人员及承包商员工前 ...
IT之家 2 月 27 日消息,SpaceX 宣布将星舰(Starship)第八次试飞(Flight 8)任务推迟至北京时间 3 月 4 日 7:30,原定于 2 月 28 日的发射计划取消。
卡塔尔航空加快于波音777机队引入Starlink ...
Driven by rapid technological advancements and strong policy support, China's low-altitude economy is experiencing unprecedented growth and gaining significant momentum. Taking Shanghai as an example, ...
美国昨(25)日再度差点发生飞机相撞意外,一架西南航空客机准备落地芝加哥机场时,跑道前方突然出现一架小飞机缓慢横向通过,迫使客机在最后一刻紧急爬升重飞,以避免相撞,客机重飞后,机师询问塔台人员:「怎么会这样?」通联记录也显示,小飞机驾驶听错塔台指令, ...
When Delta Flight 4819 from Minneapolis to Toronto landed in a fiery crash that ripped off a wing and rolled the plane upside down, panicked onlookers feared the worst. But Michael McCormick saw decad ...
On Harbin's Central Street, icy stairs were covered with nonslip carpets, while the railings were wrapped in frost-resistant ...