Fraternal Order of Police National Vice President Joe Gamaldi calls out a Texas judge’s decision to set bond for a man who ...
Fewer African American South Bend Police applicants pass the written test compared to White peers; however, fewer apply for the department as well.
Mardi Gras fever was rampant in Laurel last weekend as the Fraternal Order of Police Laurel Lodge No. 2 hosted its annual ...
Proceeds from an upcoming police hockey game will go to support a local animal rescue. The game between the Wood County ...
To submit a calendar event, email [email protected] or call 715-395-5000. The deadline is noon Tuesday for the ...
Modern Woodmen of America members in Elizabethton recently donated $2,500 to Connections Foundation during a special event on ...
“Fraternal encounter is really the only way that we will be able to go forward,” Cardinal Gregory said. He called hatred, ...
People who do not work in government have reluctantly gotten used to having to possibly relocate, reeducate and scrape by on ...
I wrote a column about a meme on social media that I loved. It said, “Stop being Democratic or Republican. Be honest, have ...
Christopher Parker, a Springfield native, has been elevated to the highest position in the Melha Shriners, aiming to bring back the fun and fellowship of years past and continue raising funds for ...
Ohio lawmakers are pushing for legislation eliminating ticket and arrest quotas for law enforcement. State representatives ...
State representatives on Wednesday introduced House Bill 131, which would make arrest and ticket quotas illegal.